Site Features

28 July 2012

Crisis of Infinite Episodes - Plastic Man in Super Hero Sketch Artist

Plastic Man was the other hero to get a big break on the opening morning of DC Nation in a comedic and fast-paced short. I am not always a big fan of puns, but they were used well here to drive PM's shape-shifting. Also, any day Shaggy shows up is a good day. This may not have been drop dead funny, but it was 60 seconds well spent and a good step in redeeming the character from his tragic failure to land his own series a few years earlier - even if the energy was toned down a tad from that effort.

27 July 2012

Crisis of Infinite Episodes - Safety (Chewing)

This week's lesson, don't eat Styrofoam cups. Yuck! Was that a big problem in the 70's? My how the human race has evolved in so short a time.

26 July 2012

Crisis of Infinite Episodes - The Secret Four

Holy Wizard of Oz! The "Secret Four" clad in Klansman garb hated oil and used their tornado maker to get their way.

25 July 2012

Crisis of Infinite Episodes - Health (Snacks)

Mmm. Driving out to the farm for an apple is what kids should do for a snack rather than eating junk food. Thanks Batman! Should we put some pants on first, eh Robin?

24 July 2012

Onscreen History of Viper

Also known as Madame Hydra, Viper is one of the leading ladies of evil Marvel organizations. First appearing in 1969's Captain America #110, Viper has also had tangles with the mutant known as Logan and is therefore slated to appear in next years The Wolverine. Because of licensing issues (Marvel retains the rights to Hydra) this Viper will be named Victoria as opposed to the original name Ophelia. But this will not be Vipers first onscreen appearance.

Crisis of Infinite Episodes - The Whirlpool

Most notably, this episode introduced the world to Black Vulcan, the first of the characters created to give diversity to the Super Friends lineup. I have to say, BV knew how to travel in style. He transformed into a lightning bolt leaving Aquaman to travel via jet ski.

23 July 2012

Crisis of Infinite Episodes - Magic (The Glass and Coin Mystery)

Although I prefer the Joker's disappearing pencil trick, Wonder Woman had a trick of her own up her sleeve- well, not up her sleeve exactly, since she doesn't actually have sleeves, but hidden somewhere under her costume. I not only remember this segment from when I was a kid, I think I even tried this trick, but as a child I lacked Wonder Woman's showmanship.  I will give this a favorable nod over the de-coder segments for sure.