Site Features

01 December 2012

Crisis of Infinite Episodes - Animal Man: Beach

This has to be my favorite Animal Man short so far. Not only did it include Black Manta, one of my all time favorite DC villains, but it was also very funny as it depicted AM's devastation at having failed to save a sand castle for a crab. Buddy Baker's fish style entrance was also classic. It may have only run for 30 seconds, but this was another flawless effort.

30 November 2012

Crisis of Infinite Episodes - Safety (Construction Sites)

Remember kids, its an unsafe world out there. Don't play in construction zone, at least not without a hard hat.

29 November 2012

Crisis of Infinite Episodes - Frozen Peril

The creature from the black lagoon reject, dubbed Sculpin had the dastardly idea to freeze all of the world's oceans in order to transport water to the deserts. What a fiend, trying to solve world famine without asking permission from the Super Friends.

28 November 2012

27 November 2012

Crisis of Infinite Episodes - Tibetan Raiders

This is one of the worst of the series. After a plane split in half Lost-style over the Himalayas, some racist Sherpa stereotypes stole the planes tail section. Why? Because it was there I guess. Luckily Flash brought a shovel along to super-speed dig out the plane from an avalanche. And that was a wrap on this bomb.

Episode Count: 0280
Series Count: (48 of 60)

26 November 2012

Crisis of Infinite Episodes - Magic (The Disappearing Glass)

Another decent diversion from Aquaman. If you attempt the trick, just watch out for where that dropping glass lands.