Site Features
04 July 2014
03 July 2014
Crisis of Infinite Episodes - The Arkham Redemption
This Robot Chicken parody of The Shawshank Redemption is actually pretty funny and has its own surprising twist ending. Poor Batman. "Buffalo wings, do your thing."
02 July 2014
01 July 2014
Crisis of Infinite Episodes - Bat-Monkey
Its no secret that I love monkeys and Batman, so the combination is pure gold. I loved joker-monkey, the monkey signal, the Banana-mobile, and pretty much everything else about this Robot Chicken short... except for maybe the poo eating.
30 June 2014
Crisis of Infinite Episodes - Bat Cleaning Service
Yes, its true. There are about a bizillion DC themed Robot Chicken shorts (not even including the RC/DC specials) and while I may not cover them all, a diverting detour through chicken land every now and then may be just what the doctor ordered. Since we are in the throes of Batman right now, I thought might as well hit some of the Bat-themed shorts first. Up first, why Batman doesn't hire a maid.