Site Features

27 August 2014

Crisis of Infinite Episodes - Cry of the Coda

Up third with a character focus episode was Zealot. Not sure I know much more about her other than she is pretty boring. Apparently she formed the Coda to fight the Daemonites, but then a rival,  Artemis, turned them into mercenaries. Sadly, I am having a hard time getting into this series. It just seems like a very poor man's X-Men.

Episode Count: 0618
Series Count: (3 of 12)

26 August 2014

Crisis of Infinite Episodes - Heart of Steel

Along with convincing me that the WildCATS civilian outfits were more ridiculous than their costumes, the episode did a decent job of focusing on a single character. Although its doubtful that each CAT will get a spotlight, this adventure told the back story of Spartan the lovestruck cyborg. It wasn't high art, but at least I could remember something about him 5 minutes after the episode ended, which is more than I could say about anyone from the premiere. Up next, Grifter?

Episode Count: 0617
Series Count: (2 of 12)

25 August 2014

Crisis of Infinite Episodes - Dark Blade Falling

Being new to the series, it did take a fair bit of the episode to figure out who everyone was. The plot is basically just a good versus bad aliens on Earth, so I don't know if it will get any more sophisticated than than. I do like the Ghost Rider meets Wolverine look of the villain Helspont, but I didn't understand how the CAT Maul was able to catch him so easily or why he just let him go. Didn't seem too menacing to me. Overall, I think the heroes have interesting looks, but the series hasn't blown me away yet with story.

Episode Count: 0616
Series Count: (1 of 12)
First Appearance: Grifter
First Appearance: Helspont
First Appearance: Maul
First Appearance: Spartan
First Appearance: Void
First Appearance: Voodoo
First Appearance: Warblade
First Appearance: Zealot