Site Features

19 April 2014

Crisis of Infinite Episodes - Plastic Man in Untouchable

Wish I could think of a clever pun, but these shorts Plastic Man shorts really grew on me. Although its absurd that the gang would all dress in Plastic Man colors, the gag was quite hilarious. Alas Plas, you will be missed.

DC Nation Short Count: 0095

18 April 2014

Crisis of Infinite Episodes - Fear of Victory

Enter Robin. Apparently Dick Grayson had been away at college, but this episode afforded the series' first team-up of the dynamic duo. Returning was the Scarecrow who has now racked up two solid episodes. Scarecrow's scheme provided a nice framework for Robin to overcome his own fears and prove his worth as Bats' sidekick. 

17 April 2014

Crisis of Infinite Episodes - Two-Face

"The brighter the picture, the darker the negative." And thus was told the tragic tale of Two-Face. This was another great candidate for a 2-parter, allowing the threat of Big Bad Harv to slowly build over the first half. Just like in the Clayface episode, the anticipation to the villain's reveal was twice the fun. If there is one thing the Animated Series has proven so far, it knows how to deliver a great villain origin story.

16 April 2014

Crisis of Infinite Episodes - Eternal Youth

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Not one of the series strongest. Maybe its just that people turning into trees is a little too bizarre to be taken seriously.

15 April 2014

Crisis of Infinite Episodes - The Last Laugh

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Basically, the whole April Fool's themed episode just has Batman trying to stop Joker's poison filled garbage scow. And while this may not be one of the series greats, there is something special about its simplicity - along with the score that you won't be able to get out of your head.

14 April 2014

Crisis of Infinite Episodes - The Clock King

What this series did for the Clock King is perhaps even more remarkable than the revitalization of Mr. Freeze. Whereas Mr. Freeze had previously been a C-list villain, the Clock King was just a joke. But this telling of the villain's origin's is one of my very favorite episodes of the series. It has all the classic elements of tragedy stemming from one bad day and it crescendos with a final sequence that was so much fun to watch. (see what I did there?)