Site Features

12 May 2010

How Does Iron Man 2's Debut Compare to Heroes Past

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Though some predicted Iron Man 2 would break the opening weekend box office record set in 2008 by The Dark Knight, the movie fell a bit short placing 3rd for the genre (behind Spider-Man 3). This was a $30 million dollar improvement of 2008's Iron Man which went on to make $318 mil. So, what does this mean for the hero? It looks like Iron Man 2 will end up grossing somewhere around $350 million or so. And surprisingly, execs are probably a bit disappointed by that. Before its opening the $400 million mark was in view and may now be just out of reach. Of course, the lack of 3D is getting some of the blame with upcoming Captain America and The Avengers now being considered for 3D filming. In the end Iron Man 2 will do just fine and IM3 is all but certain. And for now, The Dark Knights record seems safe.


  1. Why wasn`t Kick-A on the graph?

  2. My mistake. For your reference it made $19,828,687, double of The Losers.

  3. Not bad. But Steel... ouch. I always thought Shaq wasn`t buff enough to play Steel. Looks like Iron Man 2 is thrd highest. Cool.
