Site Features

12 November 2011

Watch Claymation Batman and Meet New Citizens of DC Nation

Last night during the debut of Green Lantern: The Animated Series, Cartoon Network ran a preview of DC Nation which can best be described as a programming content block containing episodes of shows along with shorts and other content interspersed during the commercial breaks. Along with hints at some of the shorts to come, last night's DC Nation preview also featured two such shorts, Claymation Batman from Aardman Studios and a Chibi Titans burpathon. Watch them both below:

Sadly, I found the first of the shorts to be a bit of a dud. Why not go for a Clayface or Plastic Man gag? Instead, just some humorless hoping. Oh well.

The Chibi Titans short was a lot better, making me nostalgic for the good ol days of Friday night's with JLU and Teen Titans.


Other quick reveals were dropped for Super Best Friends Forever (presumably)

Doom Patrol featuring Negative Man

Some sort of Barnyard Justice League

Lego Batman
A parody of the Fleischer Superman(?)

Plastic Man

And several shots possibly of Gotham City Impostors

With some "impostor" Jokers

If they are going to work video game scenes into DC Nation, how about some love for DC Universe Online? Here is a final look at the upcoming elements of DC Nation. Which shorts have you most excited?


  1. Those shorts look fantastic! What a great idea! The Aardman claymation shorts seem to be done like their Creature Comfort series: Animation set to the recorded conversations of random people, in this case children talking about themselves as superheroes. I think it's a great idea.

  2. Is there a embed code with the videos?

  3. Not an embed code per se. They are just facebook videos from which can be embedded with this code (properly formatted): < iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="390" src="FACEBOOK VIDEO URL" width="640" > < /iframe >

    IM SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^


    (Side note: Are those the "Justa Lotta Animals"?)

  6. No lo puedo creeeerrrrrrr! Los Jóvenes Titanes, Young Justicee los adorooooooooooo! No sé que decir estoy en shock ! Los amooooo


  8. teen fucking happy right now i cant even describe it. with original cast?!

  9. Excuse me while I spazz about the beloved return of Teen Titans fgjiroepqw'ghjirlpqw'ghir3qop'bhireoq[

  10. TEEN TITANS!!!!! AWESOME!! dont really care much about the other shows...
    REALLY REALLY HOPE THEY MAKE A 6th SEASON!!! They left us hanging on the last season!!! also hope they go deeper on Beast Boy and Raven's relationship

  11. yeah!!!!!!!! TEEN TITANS!!!! MAYBE THIS MIGHT MEAN... WITH ENOUGH VIEWS AND FANS COMING BACK THEY MIGHT MAKE A SEASON 6!!!!!!!!! WATCHED ALL THE EPISODES OF TT awesome show... it was a great show!!! BRING BACK TEEN TITANS... and please do something with Beast boy+Raven if they do!!!!

  12. Forget Young Justice!!! its like a cheap version of Teen Titans :(

  13. Titans return with original voice cast? Uhh…boo-yah!!! Hopefully, this will renew interest in the show. Maybe that sixth season could finally come across as a result. I wonder if Ron Perlman will return as Slade.
    TT is the show that got me interested in DC Comics as a kid. I would LOVE to see more.

    1. I'm SUPER excited to see the Teen Titans back!! And OMG I love Ron Perlman as Slade!! He's gotta be my favorite bad guy of all time...his voice is so amazing for the character!! I really would like a 6th season, I NEED to know what happened to Terra!! :)

  14. TEEN TITANS!!! :D not to happy about the chibi style, but it's better than nothing. And if it renews interest in the show enough for a sixth season to be aired, then that's all the better :)

  15. Teen titans! Woot! Wait their not gonna be short like that are they? Cause that will get on my nerves :( but are starfire and robin still gonna be together? (:

  16. why not just make a f*cking season 6 they ended the seas terribly now im very depressed because of it i know the message that you were trying to get out and you did impact me but i mean come on it should have ended as the MAINNNNNNN CHARACTER ROBIN discovering slade and red x and all that and this ep should have been mixed in.... but still i think people are just made cuz it makes them sad but still questions were unanswered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Ah, it's good to see some Teen Titans after all these years. I loved it as a kid, and I still love watching re-runs now (thank you, Boomerang). And the short (even though it was a mere 30 seconds) definitely did not disappoint. I was cracking it. ;)

    The fact that they are making shorts hints at something good. Maybe Warner Brothers Animation is testing the waters for a possible renewal of the show...?

    In any case, I know I'll be glued to the TV, watching it. Hopefully, there will be enough interest in the TT section of the show to warrant a 6th, 7th, etc. season. Hopefully...

  18. yes teen tians rules :D i really want that back and also with kid flash... i agree that loads of unanswered stuff on there like tera being secretive, slade, red ex and also with the bigger team that thought the brother hood of evil... dam bring it back

  19. Wow, all I see is posts about the Teen Titans. I have news for you, kiddies. Nothing's changed here.

    Although looking forward to seeing more Gotham City Imposters.

  20. TEEN TITANS!!!!
    I really can't wait to see that show again. It's been a long time since I seen that show when I was a kid. They really rock and I love there work of art and story line. Hope you guys make season 6 and maybe more. That would be great.

  21. Dude this video of the teen titans make my day I would Love to see more of teen titans - Raven rocks by the way lol
