Site Features

19 November 2012

Crisis of Infinite Episodes - The Man-Beasts of Xra

 Including man-beasts is always a plus even if Xra is a person not a planet. 

It was also nice that the man-beasts wore pants. What I don't understand is why "equal portions" of superglue turned the panther man into a statue. The end was kind of funny with Robin lamenting that he never got to partner with the Wolfman and his Wolfmobile, Wolfcave, Wolf-Cables, etc. Good one Rob.

Episode Count: 0277
Series Count: (45 of 60)

1 comment:

  1. There's a bit where Robin says "Half man...and panther!" A friend of mine misheard that as "Catman Panther", which I always thought sounded a bit clunky, at best.

    I tracked this episode down on Youtube last year, I was a little disappointed to learn the actual quote was not what we thought we heard back in 1980.
