Site Features

13 April 2013

Crisis of Infinite Episodes - New Teen Titans: Red X Unmasked

Red X was one of my favorite characters from the Teen Titans series and the fact that his identity was never revealed was one of my main disappointments with the series. This short had me super excited - even though I feared it would just end up being played for laughs. So, even though this short was funny, poking fun at many of the speculated identities of Red X from Jason Todd, to Slade, to Alfred, to Batman, I was a bit let down that the true identity remains a secret. My money remains on Jason Todd though my suspicion of Silkie has ticked up a  notch. 

DC Nation Short Count: 0042

1 comment:

  1. That was fun!

    And yes, I too believe it's old JT. And I don't mean Justin Timberlake.
