03 January 2012

Crisis of Infinite Episodes - The Satanic Saturnians

Satanic? Wow, was that a tough sell for a kids cartoon? Its also libelous since the Saturnians, though sinister, were not really satanic, at least as far as I could tell.

They just wanted to invade the Earth. Why? They did have fish faces, maybe they just wanted to try out Earth's waters since Saturn is just a ball of gas. Somehow the flying fish faces were able to trap Aquaman in telepathy blocking, "hard light." Luckily, Tusky had commandeered a submarine and was able to turn the tide as it were. This was pretty much the stereotypical alien invasion tale that I have grown really tired of with pretty much no stand out moments. Too bad Mera stayed home to wash her hair.

Episode Count: 0125
Series Count: (15 of 36)

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