Brought back to life by an all new Kenner “Super Powers” toy line was yet another incarnation of Super Friends. The show returned to Saturday mornings in 1984 with a makeover and a new title. The show now consisted of two 11-minute stories per episode. This incarnation featured the core team of Superman, Batman and Robin, Wonder Woman (but not Aquaman), continued with the Wonder Twins and Gleek as well as other made for the series Black Vulcan, Apache Chief, Samurai, and El Dorado, brought back guest Green Lantern, and added for the first time Firestorm, who got more than his fair share of the spotlight.
This series also focused more on nefarious comic book villains, particularly a redesigned more robotic Brainiac (who still appeared in humanoid form in the title credits) and Darkseid (though power suit Luthor also appeared).
The program lasted one season and contained 8 episodes (16 11-minute segments).
Availability: Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show on DVD
Up Next: The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians