Sure, I liked Iron Man, but I never thought about making my own iron suit. Lets hope this guy doesn't start using his invention to fight crime and or dude with even bigger home made flame thrower gloves.
06 November 2009
05 November 2009
Introducing DVDeels (Star Trek and Harry Potter 6)

Although not always superhero related, I often stumble upon DVD deals that are too good to keep to myself (as they may have a broad geek appeal). For example the evil empire aka is now offering free shipping and a low $10 price point on numerous "hot" and not yet released DVDs. This will be enticing for Potterphiles and Trekkers alike and it doesn't even necessitate being seen entering a Mart of Wal.
Notable to borderline notable titles include:
Star Trek
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Night at the Museum Battle of the Smithsonian
Angels and Demons
Terminator Salvation
Other titles such as Santa Buddies aren't worth even $1.00. In any case, you may be getting more of these types of posts in the future, hope that doesn't mean I am selling out.
EDIT: Now price matched at Amazon.
EDIT: Now price matched at Amazon.
Evolution of the Batman (and Robin) - Batman Returns

How do you follow up one of the biggest movies of all time? Not with Batman Returns. Here is one of the few superhero "part 2s" that is a big step down from the original.
A year prior to Nightmare before Christmas, it was Christmas in Gotham City and the ante was upped. Instead of just the Joker, we got Catwoman, a nasty Penguin complete with penguin army and circus o' freaks, and a third villain, Max Shreck (not the ogre).

On the other hand, Catwoman (Meow) was great, and in my mind is the definitive portrayal of the character. Her inclusion is what makes this a worth watching film.

Up Next: Batman: The Animated Series
04 November 2009
Spotlight on Hawkman (and Hawkgirl)

Hawkman was seen schilling Baby Ruth's while flying into glass windows in this horrific commercial:
In 2000, a Hawkman-esque character Warhawk was shown as a member of the future Justice League Unlimited on the Batman Beyond episode, The Call. It was eventually revealed, that Warhawk was (retroactively written to be) the son of Hawkgirl (and GL John Stewart).

03 November 2009
Heroes "Spoiled" Everyone Last Year

Turns out Nathan Petrelli is the victim. The only problem is, he was killed onscreen in last years season finale. To be fair, he has been seemingly killed on the show before as have numerous others only to be miraculously revived. Even last night they showed that Mohinder was dead, though I guess he will be coming back somehow since he wasnt the death spoiler. I guess the big surprise here is that not only is Nathan dead, but he is staying dead. Wow! Talk about a twist.
The thing is, season 4 of the show has actually been much improved over last year., perhaps attributable to the absence of many characters (Micah, Mohinder, and, and even fake Nathan) There are still ample portions of Sylar, but at least he isn't on a continuing quest to find his real, real, father. So, I will try to assign this lame twist to being a remnant of season 3 and hope that Heroes season 4 can continue being the dumb, but at least no longer aggravating, entertainment for however much longer it lasts.
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