10 October 2011

Crisis of Infinite Episodes - The Halyah of the Himalayas

Hell yeah! A freaking yeti threw a boulder at a plane. The pilot mistook it for a meteor which got Superman's attention. This just may be the most outrageous episode of the whole series.

Best Part: The halyah threw a house at a jet, knocking the jet out of the air and catching it on fire. Superman not only caught the jet, and put out the fire, but then flew and also caught the house just before it crashed into an oil refinery. Now that's a full day.

Worst Part: Why is the yeti called a halyah? Although it was entertaining, it was absurd that Superman rolled himself in a snowball to "tuck" halyah in with an avalanche. Sweet dreams indeed.

Episode Count: 0068
Series Count: (51 of 60)

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