In 1941, Warner Brothers under the Merrie Melodies label released Goofy Groceries. I am not going to really review this cartoon because I am pretty sure its like "really ground breaking" and stuff and I am no expert on anything non-superhero of the era. Lets just say its basically the 1940's version of Toy Story in a grocery store, which does sound pretty cutting edge if I put it that way.
Anyways, after a few minutes of dancing soup cans and a monocle wearing potato taking a dip in the sink, a gorilla animal cracker freaked out. Turtle soup tanks and gingerbread paratroopers proved no match and finally "Superguy" leapt off of a box of soap chips. The doofus got scared and turned into a baby. And thus, we were given the first animated superhero parody. Interestingly, as far as I can tell, Goofy Groceries debuted in March of 1941 and Superman AKA The Mad Scientist on September, so this parody actually predated the animated Superman. How 'bout that?
This just goes to show you how popular Superman was right from the very beginning. Wonderful stuff.